Monday 1 February 2010

Tips to getting pregnant

The gift of getting pregnant and giving birth to a healthy kid is no doubt one thing that brings the most joy to us human beings. It is really so bad, and very sad to know that some women just can’t seem to do that naturally. Due to one reason or the other, some women are infertile and usually need help in getting pregnant. That Is exactly why Lisa Olson made all her research and released the Pregnancy Miracle Program: to assist infertile women to completely reverse their infertility, conceive and give birth to healthy kids naturally.

Do You Want To Completely Reverse Your Infertility, Become Pregnant Within Weeks Using Nothing But Proven, Effective Natural Safe Methods?
Pregnancy miracle

How To Get Pregnant

How To Get Pregnant

Have you ever wondered how to get pregnant? This question evokes varying responses from different people. Romance and emotion do play their part in the decision of having a baby. However, it is not uncommon to feel pained and frustrated, especially among the couples who are not able to become parents). Ideas of a kinky nature are bound to come to such couples.
Most newly wed couples take adequate protection against having a baby too quickly. However, in a matter of months, even as the duo is still getting to know each other properly, the eagerness to conceive a kid increases. This is hardly surprising, given the natural instinct of motherhood in ladies. A wife always wants to become a mother, since that gives her a sense of fulfillment. Thus, even in a fiercely competitive world, where the cost of everyday living runs into thousands, the craving for a baby remains high.

However, the females need to know how to get pregnant in a proper, healthy manner. The welfare and healthiness of both the mother and the kid, who would be seeing the light of the world soon, is of paramount importance. Hence, a careful perusal of the following discussion is necessary:

• Women should start preparing to become a mother, at least 3 to 4 months prior to the actual delivery,
• Holistic measures for the maintenance of good health conditions is necessary for both the mother and child,
• A soon-to-be-mother should completely shun smoking and drinking habits,
• It is of paramount importance that no drugs of intoxication are consumed,
• Healthy, adequate nourishment is extremely necessary for women at these times. This is because both the pre-delivery and post-delivery periods are generally rather stressful for them, and
• For maintaining the desirable health conditions, minerals, proteins (that are easy to digest) and minerals should be consumed in adequate amounts.

It is also crucial to pay heed to some other important factors. Some such factors are:

Thorough knowledge of one’s own body ? The period of ovulation in a woman is the ideal time for her to conceive a baby. Thus, she should be aware of the time of ovulation. There are, fortunately, many ways to find out what the time of ovulating would be. The ‘Post Ovulation Time’ (also termed the Luteal Phase) has to be estimated. This period, i.e., the time between ovulating and the date of commencement of the menstrual cycle, generally is fixed at 14 days in most women. The period starts after the length of the Luteal Phase, or 14 days after the occurrence of ovulation. There is an alternative way to find out the period of ovulation, which is based on the Basal Body Temperature method (i.e., the BBT technique). In this method, the temperature of the vagina is recorded by a specially-made BBT thermometer. This is done everyday in the morning. During the period of ovulation, this temperature rises significantly, and such increases can be easily tracked. For higher chances of conceiving a baby, sexual intercourse at these times is ideal.

When does sexual union helps in conception the most? ? This information is necessary, since it ensures that the sperms of the best quality enter the female body at the time of ovulation. Sperms should have quick reaction time when a woman ovulates. Hence, fresh sperm is required to be present in the body of the female immediately before ovulating. However, there may occur certain problems in the sperm of the males too. In such cases, men should not be releasing sperms, for a minimum of 3 days before the scheduled day of sexual union. These data is extremely important, in case you are wondering how to get pregnant.

The ideal frequency of lovemaking for higher chances of conceiving? Among other factors, a correct estimate of the ovulation period in women and the overall physique of men determine the ideal frequency of sexual union.
There is a school of thought that, sperm count goes down, with a resultant weakening of the male sperm, if intercourse is held everyday. Conversely, others tend to think that the male sperm becomes ineffective, old and stale (with much lower potency) if it remains within the testicles, due to prolonged periods of abstinence. It is generally recommended that, sexual union, during the period of female ovulation, should be held about once in every 2 days.

It is always better to provide holistic solutions to the question of how to get pregnant. Such an approach helps to gain an insight about the inner workings of our body, and the reasons for not conceiving earlier. It also comes up with several usable solutions to this problem, including medicines and herbs of Chinese origin as well as changes in eating habits and overall lifestyle. Suitable exercise methods and, if required, acupuncture is also recommended. Unlike the conventional methods, the holistic approach has no adverse side effects, and has a much higher chance of providing the desired results. Hence, in these cases, holistic approach works much better than conventional ways.

Get that Pregnancy

If you have being trying to conceive, understanding some basics about the reproductive system would go along way in aiding your course.

Normally, at the mid period of every menstrual cycle, a woman is said to ‘ovulate’. This is the release of the female egg, which the male sperm must come in contact with, before fertilization and then conception can take place.

The day you start your menstrual flow is counted as the first day of the cycle. Averagely, on the 14th day, ovulation takes place and an egg is released. The important thing to note here is that this mid-menstrual cycle ovulation is not constant for all women, some women ovulate before this period, while others later.

This period of ovulation is your most fertile period as a woman. The egg released is viable and active for about 24 hours. The male sperm can live and still be active in a woman’s reproductive system for an average of 48-72 hours. It is very important to have sexual intercourse during this period. It is good idea to have sexual intercourse every other day around your ovulation period, for example days 10, 12, 14 and 16.

Sexual intercourse during a woman’s fertile period is the easiest way to conception when everything is in order. Most couples either do not time their intercourse for best results or are not aware of this biological fact. The most important step towards conception should be to locate and time the ovulation period of a woman. Concerns over infertility may only arise if after several months of timed intercourse, conception is still not achieved.

Several physical and biological factors can contribute to fertility problems from the man or the woman’s side and at times it could be a combination of factors from the couple. Some of the factors are within the capability of medical treatment while others still have no solutions. These infertility factors will be the focus of subsequent articles.

If the female ovulation period is so vital to conception, the question that comes to mind is, how do I know when I ovulate? One major way of determining when you ovulate is by taking your basal body temperature (BBT) every day and recording it. A slight increase in basal body temperature for about two consecutive days lets you know that ovulation has taken place. This is because, when an egg is released from the follicle during ovulation, the remnant of the follicle called Corpus Luteum produces the hormone progesterone, which causes increases in basal body temperature. The basal body temperature is the temperature of the body taken in the morning before any activity. Alternatively, you can get an over-the counter ovulation predictor kit.

For men, it is critical to avoid things like masturbation during this phase of their partner’s menstrual cycle as this may reduce sperm count.

You may need to see an Infertility expert or your ob/gyn if after several timed sexual intercourses you still cannot not get pregnant. There could something wrong somewhere with your reproductive organs.

The earlier you start seeking help and answers, the better.

Pregnancy Miracle™ is a natural and safe solution
The Pregnancy Miracle™ is a 100% natural, safe, and powerful treatment that permanently eliminates the ROOT cause of your Infertility .
Pregnancy Miracle™ doesn't rely on harsh drug therapy with its side effects and harmful synthetic hormones. Unlike the risky and unnecessary surgery that is often recommended by doctors, the Pregnancy Miracle™ promotes a healthy hormonal and reproduction environment while eliminating your Infertility and preventing it's recurrence naturally and safely within 8 weeks.

Monday 9 November 2009

“Pregnancy Miracle” Review

One of the most heartbreaking things to grapple with as a woman is the problem of infertility. Month after month of disappointment is emotionally draining and heart-rending to those women who are anxious to conceive a child. It becomes difficult to be happy for friends and family who conceive with seeming effortlessness, because the frustration of failure is so great. Enter Pregnancy Miracle

This downloadable system is not the type of advice those suffering from infertility are used to. The logical step for those unable to conceive naturally is to head to the IVF clinic or investigate adoption.

Pregnancy miracle is not without its testimonials. They even include women who have had success conceiving into their 40s, an age where even previously fertile women might start finding it difficult to conceive.

Problems Getting Pregnant | No Surgery | No Drugs

You absolutely do not need to resort to dangerous surgery or drugs in order to conceive a healthy baby. I do not care if you're over 40 and have been trying for months. You're just doing a few things wrong that you need to correct.

See, if you're not able to get pregnant its your body and/or your husband's body which aren't the picture of health. If we're not healthy in the correct way our body does not think that we'll be ready for a pregnancy, it's as easy to understand as that.

Stop playing the blame game with your husband, there are plenty of things that both of you can be doing every day to ensure that you get pregnant within weeks, not months or years. You don't have the time to waste, am I right?

Did you realize that there are things that you may be eating and drinking every day which are decreasing your rate of becoming pregnant by 50%?

Did you further realize that many of the household cleaning products that just about everyone has in their home could be keeping you from becoming pregnant? It's true. If you really want to get pregnant you have to do all it takes to increase your chances, and getting rid of these products is one of the steps.

If you're not exercising regularly and breathing deeply your also decreasing your chances of pregnancy, this is especially important if we're over 40. We need every advantage in the book, but when we put it all together it will all come together.
Click Here!

Problems Getting Pregnant
It Doesn't Matter Your Situation

It really doesn't matter if you've experienced endometriosis, tubal obstruction, uterine fibroids, or ovarian cysts all of these conditions can be overcome if we and our partners achieve a high level of natural health.

Again, you have to think about our genetic makeup, we are only programmed to have children if we are strong and healthy, otherwise our body will try to protect us and not allow us to become pregnant.

By balancing our hormones, getting rid of stress, getting our insulin levels under control, gaining physical activity, gaining total relaxation, and using things like acupuncture and acupressure we will come back into a strong healthy balance and pregnancy will be quick and easy.

* Get ready for your new baby by discovering the secrets traditional doctors don't know about: Click Here!


The Most Powerful And Unique Guide To Reverse Infertility And Get Pregnant Naturally.

Getting pregnant for some can be as easy as having unprotected sex, but for others it can be an ongoing event that just will not happen no matter how often they have sex. There are many reasons why you can have trouble when you are trying to conceive a baby. In this article I will try to help you with getting pregnant by using what I like to call pregnancy tips. These will include when are the best times to have sex, what you should avoid that can lower your chances, and what you can do to increase you chances of conceiving.

Ovulation as you know plays a key role in when a woman is at her prime time for getting pregnant. This is a very small window each month that you need to concentrate on. Knowing when you are ovulating and having sex at that time will increase your chances of conception.
Click Here!

These tips on getting pregnant are just the tip of the iceberg. My friend, Lisa Olson, thought she was infertile but she proved the doctors wrong in their diagnosis by having two healthy children even in her 40s. She was able to get pregnant within 2-4 months naturally.

If you are needing help on getting pregnant, I hope this will help even just one woman fulfill her dream of having a baby.
Click Here!